
Short in development 2024

dir. Jan Pepermans & Stefanie Vanhecke

VAF support confirmed 11/2023

A Las Escondidas

Short in postproduction 2024

dir. Wendy Montellano Camacho

VAF support confirmed 09/2023

Stone or Waterfall

Audiovisual work / installation / video art 2023

in post-production

by Chloé Op de Beeck

supported by

STUK Leuven

Beursschouwburg Brussel

Jan en Kelly en Alles Daartussen

16:38 min (short 2022)

dir. Daphne Wellens

ISFF Leuven kort (BE)

2022 national competition selection

BSFF Brussels Short FF (BE)

2023 national competition selection


So We live

16:04 min (short 2020)

dir. Rand Abou Fakher



Berlinale (DE) 2020 international competition

ISFF Leuven Kort 2020 winner jury prize

BSFF Brussels Short FF (BE) grand prize

London Film Week (UK) 2021 jury prize

Taxco International FF (MX) 2021 best film

Mentor Arabia Youth Awareness Film (LE) 2022 best film

Usak Winged Seahorse Short FF (Turkey) 2020 best film

Nuff Nordic Youth FF (Norway) 2022 best film

Gabes FF (Tunesia) 2021 best film

8th Mercy to the Universe Itl. SFF (Turkey) 2022 best film


Het leven en de verrassende avonturen van Robinson Crusoë die acht en twintig Jaar helemaal alleen op een bewoond eiland leefde en zei dat het van hem was

(feature 2023)

dir. Benjamin Deboosere

coproduction with Untitled Production

IFFR Rotterdam

2023 Generations selection


Some Things are Hard to Say

(short 2019)

dir. Benjamin Deboosere

coproduction with Untitled Production